About Negarn

The first known farmers settled here in 1715 but found it to be “too high up in the mountain to make a decent living” so they left after 5 years. Negarn has however, despite the old postulate, now been a dairy farm for the last 6 generations – since 1836.

We are a family of 3 – Heidi, Ole and Axel. We have cattle in the stall during wintertime but when the summer comes they are living the good life under the blue sky for 3 months. We also have hens on the farm and you are welcome to join us when collecting the daily production of eggs.

We have much room and housing at our disposal, and a wish for more activity and life in the courtyard led to our decision to rent out a detached, two-storeyed flat in the main house.

The flat is totally renovated and parts of the house has been brought back to its original touch. The flat is kept in a style from the old days and where possible we have brought back the original timber walls. The rooms are furnished with a mix of old and new but with modern facilities in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

On the attic hall you may withdraw to contemplate or just bring a book for reading. Two doors lead respectively to the North room and the South room and through them further on to the Red chamber and the Peder chamber.

If you get the feeling that some of the spirit of the old house still remains, then we have achieved what we wanted.